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Different Types of US Visa

Before going into s deeper root on what are the different types of US visa, we have to know first what a visa means. A visa is type of document allowing someone to have an easy access to travel to a country by which the document has stated. But then the access to stay in that specified country is only a matter of time and was set in the document exactly. This type of document may either be issued separately or just being fastened into the passport so as to protect the said document from being lost or damaged. A visa is an additional document aside from the passport by which it can be understood as the clear and present document to be presented into the travel agency as the person’s permission to travel into another or into a specified country.

Visas may come in different forms depending on the type of country were a certain traveler is going. It can be in a form of a sticker or a document. There are specific countries that would require a visa before you can enter into their country. Among the countries are South Korea, China, Vietnam, Russia, Egypt, India and Australia. Travelling in countries like Dubai may require you also a specific type of visa like that of a working visa. Now, to state the different types of US visa are as follows.

Visa that is for the tourist are the so called tourist visa which refers to visitors who are coming in and out in the U.S. but not for a long period of time. The investor visas are visas used by Traders and Investors. Whereas the Students visa, of course, the word speaks for itself are referred for students. The visa for the Professional Workers are called Specialty Occupation Visa then the Exchange Visitors Visas covers the students, business trainees, short term scholars,  professionals, specialists, government visitors, international visitors and au pair. Lovers or sweethearts need to get a fiancée visa if he or she wishes to let their partners be a citizen of the U.S.

Now, to understand more about visa, we need to tell you a lot more kind of visas such as the Intra Company Transfer Visa pertains to a special kind of urgent visa wherein an employee of the, for example, Philippines will transfer to the sister company that is based in the U.S. Whereas, the Extraordinary Ability Workers Visa are being procured by those who would be transferring to the U.S as stated by their work. Athletes and artists visas also are being required to get their visa so that they can went back home from where they came from.  A religious worker also needs a visa so that she can travel freely alone so you can free release the tension and stress.

Getting a visa requires a lot of things to be done and even a hardworking job to do. It requires specific visa for a specific purpose because it’s not just an easy and in a snap job. Now people will have the knowledge on what are the different types of US visa that are appropriate for them